Let’s get you started
Begin the Journey to Good Health
by Healing the Root Cause

“As an Energy Medicine Practitioner I utilize many tools for an in-depth look at root cause; I have found that for physical causes the Body Balance Healing System" is a superior tool in my toolkit for my clients.”
Rene Deal (IBRT, BBHS, CBCP)“Learning and implementing The Body Balance Healing System has been easy and seamless. It has allowed my family and I to tap into the knowledge of wellness. My 7 year old even muscle tests with me.”
Amanda A.

“Being the co-creator of the Body Balance Healing System, I understand how vital all this information is for yourself and all your loved ones to empower the world.”
Michael Weber, ND“Learning to use the body balance healing system has changed my life in such a positive way. I use it daily to help keep my kids and family healthy. I also use it when shopping to help purchase items that bring my family energy and are safe to use. If you don’t know how to muscle test you should definitely learn!”
April F.